Beachbody Success Stories!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 24 of Body Beast!!! The days are just flying day by! Usually when I get to this point I need to revert back to my "why" and check out some success stories to stay committed.

Ever start a workout program and find that 2-3 weeks in you haven't lost any weight? you're working your butt off...literally...and the scale doesn't reflect that?

I TOTALLY relate! Right now, the scale hasn't BUDGED....but I KNOW Im gaining muscle because I'm lifting significantly heavier than I was. But's annoying!
I'm about 8 lbs heavier than I was in March...for a number of reasons. I felt like I kicked butt getting ready for the Bahamas trip...then I kinda let things slide. In the craziness of traveling, adjusting to a new place, adjusting to a lot of life changes, enjoying summer...I over indulged quite a bit.
The important thing is I am on track and keeping the faith (this is where I break out into song & dance)

Last night I watched Extreme Weight Loss- wow! that show makes me cryyyyy! I'm just incredibly amazed at the people who battled with emotional issues, ate themselves (almost) to death and were able to PERSEVERE and overcome. The girl I watched last night lost over 200 lbs!!! Her beginning weight...356! That would make THREE of me! 

If she can do it, I can get back to my goal weight!!! It reminded me of Richard- in Vegas we were honored enough to be able to watch two people with life changing stories win $100k EACH! 

I've had a very inspiring week and I am ready to CRUSH IT!

Sunday Grocery Shopping and Prep Day!
I need one of these!!!! Now which color?
Updated my Bucket List
I have my health, love what I do, have great friends and an awesome team, and get to spend everyday with the man I love 
Reunited with my Juicer!
Eating Healthy while traveling is hard! but not impossible! Staying awake on the plane however...IMPOSSIBLE!